Sunday, June 22, 2008

Send in a letter.

I started this blog years ago. I went through some things in life that left me bitter and hurt. I was frustrated by the fact that there were very few posts. Do people just not love others? Do people not know how to express their feelings? I was upset and wanted to give up on the blog.

I am trying this blog again because I think we all need to be uplifted. If I don't have someone in my life that will tell me how they feel. At least I will get to read what others feel and know that there is love out there. Please tell those you love that you love them. It could mean the world.

So I hope this helps all you out there. Come here on a bad day and read what others have written. Maybe then you won't lose hope and know that love does exist.

Send in a love letter to be posted to

You can.
A. Send it to be posted anonymous
B. Write a letter and dedicate it to someone
C. Just read the letters posted and be uplifted.

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